Florist Mug


A high quality ceramic mug featuring a humorous poem celebrating the profession of the Florist. We have also provided a handy translation on the reverse of the mug explaining the more obscure and quirky phrases used in the Ode or poem.

We use the highest quality mugs and printing materials to make our mugs. (beware of cheap mugs that fade after a few washes in a dishwasher) The mugs we use are fully dishwasher and microwave safe, this ensures that your mug will last the course and remain as bright and clear as the day you received it.

The mug is presented in a clear plastic presentation box and delivered in a sturdy well packed postal box.

Florist Mug

Price £9.99 - Which includes Royal Mail Second Class delivery

Check out Our other Items of possible interest : Ode to a Florist
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